Andrea Gravatt
Born of Greek heritage in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the author spent her early childhood years among Greek men and women who were culinary experts in their own right. Entertaining with food and wine was a casual event and there were no cookbooks then, just the magic of knowing. The art of conversation during meals has always been an intimate part of her life, and she carries on that tradition as she breaks from the intensity of Pediatric Medicine. Over the years, she has created her own recipes, each utilizing spices and ingredients from near and far. This is village cooking without culinary complexity. She presents her dishes with accents of both flowers and herbs from her garden, street fairs, and local grocery stores. The food may be served on a plate, or a natural element as simple as seashell.
The Chick Magnet Cookbook brings you the opportunity to share conversation over food with easy-to-prepare recipes, even for the ultra-beginner.