About The Book

The Chick Magnet Cookbook

by Andrea R Gravatt

The Chick Magnet Cookbook was originally conceived for men who felt unprepared or awkward in the kitchen. However, as the cookbook progressed there was an overwhelming response by women who were also interested in the ease of the recipes. It is an invitation to join in the celebration of both food and friendship during this time when the sacred dinner hour has been compromised by technology and the demands of work, family and daily life. This is village cooking without the culinary complexity.

The Lavender Ribbon

by Andrea R Gravatt

The Lavender Ribbon is a gentle tale of a grandfather and his granddaughter and their mutual discovery of secrets from their own worlds.

Andrea R Gravatt is a pediatrician who uses her talents of writing children’s books to teach children. She is a Professor of Pediatric Medicine and has interests in Wilderness Medicine, High Altitude Medicine and Disaster Medical Response. She has been a volunteer for projects worldwide and provides indigent pediatric care in both the USA and foreign countries. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, she currently resides in Seattle, Washington.